The Economics of Implementing Universal Basic Income in South Africa

A Social Policy Initiative (SPI) Strategic Position Paper – January 2024

The Economics of Implementing Universal Basic Income in South Africa

UBI is “about the economy, stupid.” It is an economic stimulus, not a grant!

By Duma Gqubule


ACTSA is the successor organisation to the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) in the UK and was established in 1994.  We work in solidarity with civil society organisations and activists across Southern Africa and the UK, so that the legacies of colonialism, racism and apartheid are replaced with justice, human rights and peace.

Thirty years after South Africa held its first democratic and non-racial election, ACTSA remains aligned with people still working to realise the promises of the freedom charter for all.

Working across the SADC region, ACTSA aims to hold the UK government to account for its foreign policies and actions, including measures to combat international corruption and to support constitutional democracy and human rights through education, advocacy and campaigning.

Support for this SPI publication has been made possible by a Bob Hughes Small Grant Award. Bob Hughes was the Hon President of ACTSA from 1994-2021 and the chair of AAM during many years of the struggle.

For more information: 

Since 2006, we have dreamt of a world where basic needs are met. Today, 18 years later, the fight for UBI continues! We believe financial security should not be a privilege. Let’s work together to make it a reality.
